History over again...

It’s dragonfly season on the farm. They came out in spades this morning, darting and jumping around the tractor as we transplanted leeks, broccoli, summer squash and winter squash. From a distance, they look like silver dollars, flipping and floating in the sunlight.

Soon it will be firefly season. The best season.

There is nothing I can say of recent event, events ongoing, the state of where we find ourselves that probably hasn’t been said in a better way already. If we are looking for the best way to express these things, it’s out there, in bits and pieces. People have distilled the anger, resentment, tragedy and devastation into chants, songs, prose, and memes. We can put it all together, and get a clearer picture, if we stop and listen.

There is nothing inevitable or logical about the way that our system works. But the outcomes that we have seen in the last week or more are inevitable and logical.

There is a sense of not doing enough, to aid in cleaning up damaged neighborhoods, or being in the streets with the protest. amongst myself and some other farm folk, for certain. For the moment I’ll have to live with not doing enough with a plate full already. I tell myself that farming is a small piece of a better world…someday. Though I don’t really know if that is just whimsical thinking. In the meanwhile, my thoughts and I know the crew’s thoughts are with George Floyd’s family, those that are directly impacted by the systemic violence and discrimination they encounter on the daily, and those that put their bodies on the line to say that none of this can stand any longer. Whether you agree on a tactical level with those in the streets or not, that is all that remains…none of this can stand any longer.

Michael Noreen