
It ain’t over until Momma Nature says it’s over.

Right now, I feel like she’s giving us the side eye and a smirk. “Yo”, I interpret, “It’s probably over.”

Garlic is planted (although it still needs a layer of mulch), carrots are washed, and we have only 1 more truly workable day in the 10 day forecast. By workable, I mean not spending significant time in a frozen or thawing state. We can walk out the door, and with some misery and want for the sun on our faces, at least know that the world will bend to our wishes just enough to do most things. Whether that be harvesting turnips, getting spinach for the market, or having water run through a line without turning to slush, then ice. We have one day of that. The rest will be workable within confines. No handling veg except in the afternoon. No running water to the harvest shed. All tasks done with fear of bare handedness.

Momma Nature might laugh, “Why in heavens name are you trying to work outside right now? I’m telling you to stop.”

As a human, I am defiant. I’ll be defiant for a little while yet, maybe to my own detriment. Maybe I don’t know how to listen. Maybe I don’t know what will happen if I stop working. I’ll try to get one thing done, and if Momma Nature blocks the way, I’ll try and get another thing done. It’s silly really. Farmers wrack their brains for that one thing they can do even though there are gail force winds and freezing rain.

But, the shift is underway. Winter will be stepping on our heels real quick like, scaring farmers into relaxing for a little bit under penalty of death..

“Hmm,” we’ll be saying to ourselves very soon, “ I guess I can take ONE day off. But only so as to not be beyond extremely or possibly even mortally uncomfortable.”

When that day comes, farmers might then take a sip of coffee while looking out the window.

“Ok then. Uncle, Mamma Nature! Uncle”

Michael Noreen