Big Kid Pants

Like a defiant child, I planted a first round out in the field. The conditions weren’t even close to ideal. It was cold and windy, which made covering things a task. The soil was still a little too wet and heavy for working. And I certainly wasn’t ready for the reminder of all that lays ahead for the season. But I needed to do it. I needed to tell summer that we are going to do this. That no matter what summer does, I’m going to counter with even more effort!

I do this knowing full well that summer can toss me out on the curb like a belligerent drunk. I got nothin’. I do it with a wink and a nod. I’m bluffing, and summer knows I’m bluffing. I know, that there is a tipping point for effort, and that summer can run roughshod over us all without so much as a look back. But, I hope that summer doesn’t call my bluff. That summer plays along, and lets us feel like we are wearing our big kid pants and really doing this all by ourselves. Thanks Summer, in advance.

The crew will arrive this week, with impeccable timing. They won’t be a moment too late, or too soon. Orion will roll in from the west coast this week, and then I’ll pick up Kelvin and Daniela at the airport. The crew here will suddenly go from my 1 to 4. I’m ready to have that extra push! With a little dry up, and a little warm up, we will hit the fields with force. We’ll need the momentum to carry us into the summer.

The forecast, if it’s true, says that maybe we’re turning that corner too. Because the weather has been so disorienting, it makes the mention of sun and warmish temps almost a hoax. Pfft…sunny and 60’s? Is there such a world? I hope so. Dare I even dream that sunny and 70’s is also possible in this place of clouds and April melancholy? Oof, I better just keep my hopes realistic, ey? Sunny and 60’s it is. I’ll be grateful.

That’s our deal summer. You don’t call my bluff, and I’ll be grateful for whatever comes.

Michael Noreen