Speaking of Water

First off…Thank you Momma Nature!!

To say that we really, really needed the rain that fell this week would be an understatement.

When taking the long range forecast into account, to say that it may have saved the summer might not be an overstatement.

We got a good hit of rain. It’ll see us through the next several days before we add “move irrigation” back onto the “to do” list. And it was as timely as it could have been, coming one day after we planted out all the fall brassicas (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, etc).

This is how it goes sometimes, you live one rain to the next, like a scoundrel. Had this rain not arrived…I don’t even want to think about it.

Speaking of water:

I had posted previously about having some action steps in regard to the proposed and applied for hog factory operation. Those action steps are still in the making, but I hope to send them out to you soon.

In the meanwhile, for those of you up for a little evening road trip, there will be a rally at the Polk County (WI) Government Center this coming Tuesday, July the 20th at 5pm. I know that hardly a soul reading this is a Polk County resident. However, if you live nearby, spend any time enjoying the St. Croix River Valley, and/or you buy food from this farm and other farms in the area, then I think you have as much of a stake as anyone in the future of this area. The potential emergence of hog factories will be a heavy blow, perhaps too heavy for farms like mine and others to take.

We will also be trying to orchestrate a way to make your voice heard beyond the rally.

You can hit Interstate Park at Taylors and St, Croix Falls on your way for some beautiful scenery. Then continue on to Balsam Lake WI to make the issue visible before the meeting of the Polk County Board of Supervisors!!

I know it’s a drive. But, I also know each person counts. So there you go.


Polk County Government Center

100 Government Plaza

Balsam Lake, WI 54810

Rally is at 5pm July 20th. The weather forecast is for sunny.

Michael Noreen